Matthew Ranft


{ Director — Indianapolis Branch }

Drawing on more than 27 years experience in the industry, Matthew is responsible for collaboratively working across the company, making sure every project delivers a consistent and exceptional experience for customers. He loves meeting the challenges that come with matching the right technology to the needs and budget of the user. More importantly, his passion to constantly learn about new technology and evaluate uses is a huge advantage across all customer touchpoints. One of the reasons Matthew stays rooted at FCS is his recognition of its depth of practical experience in the industry and the many diverse ways the company is always looking to improve. He is grateful for the distinct culture of integrity in how they conduct business with clients and treat employees within the company. Outside of work, Matthew is all things fitness and food—but not necessarily in that order. He enjoys healthy cooking and is known for his famous, tasty soups—at least by his family. He also enjoys exploring food, culture and participating in or watching sporting events with his three daughters and wife.